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Darth Vader's Failed 'Apprentice' Warned Him Exactly How His Story Would End

screenrant.com 2024/10/6
Darth Vader with Emperor Palpatine and the Schism Imperial standing behind him.


  • Darth Vader's would-be Sith apprentice predicted his destiny to kill Emperor Palpatine but was killed by Vader.
  • This failed apprentice's vision might have influenced Vader's eventual rebellion against Palpatine.
  • The apprentice's early attempt to warn Vader about his fate occurred before his loyalty to Palpatine waned.

The story of Darth Vader in Star Wars canon is one even the most casual fan is more than familiar with, as it’s one of pain, tragedy, and ultimately redemption. But, what’s interesting is that one lesser-known character in particular - a failed ‘apprentice’ of Darth Vader himself - was able to divine exactly how Darth Vader’s story would end long before it did, and even tried to warn Vader about his apparent destiny.

In Legends’ Star Wars: Empire #4 by Scott Allie and Ryan Benjamin, Darth Vader walks right into a trap set for him by two people with polar opposite designs. Moff Kadir launches a plot to kill Vader and take his place by Emperor Palpatine’s side, which is something the Emperor actually came to admire about the Moff before executing him. The other was someone who set a trap for Vader not to kill him, but to get his attention, as she wanted to be his new apprentice.

This woman stood before Lord Vader wielding a green lightsaber after having orchestrated the events surrounding his presence on her planet. She admits to Vader that she has only begun to feel the pull of the dark side, but she has already started to have visions of the future - specifically, about him. This would-be Sith Apprentice tells Darth Vader that he is destined to kill the Emperor, and that she wants to help him fulfill his destiny. And (minus her hopeful involvement), she’s absolutely right.

A Sith wielding a red lightsaber in Star Wars.

The Sith are the definitive dark side presence in Star Wars canon with a history that's extensive and vast. Here are the 10 best Sith stories, ranked!

Darth Vader standing with Emperor Palpatine looking out into space.

When this Force-sensitive would-be Sith approached Darth Vader about being his apprentice, and led with a plot to kill/usurp Emperor Palpatine, Vader cut her down without hesitation. This Legends story takes place fairly early in Darth Vader’s career as both a Sith Lord and as a member of Imperial Leadership (indeed, he doesn’t even know about the Death Star yet). That means Vader is still fiercely loyal to Darth Sidious - though that doesn’t last forever.

In the ongoing (canon) Darth Vader comic book series, Vader is currently working with the Schism Imperial to do exactly what this would-be Sith Apprentice approached him about. The difference, though, is that Darth Vader’s current storyline takes place between Episodes V and VI, meaning Darth Vader is quite motivated to kill Palpatine and take his place. If this Force-sensitive dark sider came to Vader at this point in his life, perhaps he’d entertain the idea of using her to fulfill his goals. But, unfortunately for her, she made her move a bit too early in Vader's career.

Darth Vader’s Failed ‘Apprentice’ May Be the Reason Why He Turned on Palpatine At All

Darth Vader attacking Emperor Palpatine while he's shooting Force-lightning.

Darth Vader first showed signs of openly turning on Emperor Palpatine in The Empire Strike Back, when he offered his son, Luke Skywalker, the chance to join him. It was from that point that Darth Vader set himself on a course that has led him to his current storyline with the Schism Imperial - but what if it all began with this exchange with his failed ‘apprentice’? Perhaps sharing her premonition with Vader so early in his career planted the seed of rebellion against the Emperor in his head that would result in Vader’s full-scale defiance, and Palpatine’s inevitable death.

While this failed ‘apprentice’ may have had a hand in Darth Vader’s eventual conflict with Palpatine that resulted in the Emperor’s (temporary) demise, that is pure speculation. What isn’t, however, is the fact that she knew exactly how Darth Vader’s story would end years before it did, and even tried to warn him about his Star Wars destiny.

Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader Split By a Lightning Bolt

Conceived by the will of the Force itself, Anakin Skywalker was the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring the Force into balance. Anakin struggled to balance competing attachments to the Jedi Order and his wife Padmé Amidala, and ultimately fell to the dark side, becoming Darth Vader. For years he served as Palpatine's right hand man, but he was ultimately redeemed by the faith of his son, Luke Skywalker. Now a Force Ghost, Anakin continues to act as an agent of balance.

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