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Rwanda Elections: Kagame to Nyagatare: I Survived the Battlefield by Luck

chimpreports.com 2024/10/6
President Kagame has been addressing huge ralllies across Rwanda

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame has said he survived many gun battles due to luck. 

“I am fortunate. My first blessing was to go through multiple struggles for many years, where people wondered whether they would live to see the next day, and surviving each day,” said Kagame during a campaign rally in Nyagatare district on Sunday.

“I did not survive because of having more bravery than others, it was luck,” said the President who is seeking re-election.

“But it also means that if you are lucky enough to see the next day, you must do what helps you and others to not only survive but also live to see many years ahead,” he emphasised.

Kagame ascended to power in 2000 after leading a guerilla war against the genocidal government of Juvenal Habyarimana.

He had earlier fought in a bush war that toppled the Milton Obote government in Uganda. 

Iconic area

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Nyagatare is an iconic area in the liberation of Rwanda. The first attack by the RPF took place in 1990 at Kagitumba border in Nyagatare. 

In 1990, thousands of Tutsi in Nyagatare were imprisoned and some killed, accused of being accomplices to the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) led by Kagame.

Many of those killed were dumped into the Muvumba River and some Tutsi also drowned trying to escape, or drowned themselves in desperation.

The school grounds of the Umutara Polytechnic (now the University of Rwanda Nyagatare Campus) were used as a military barracks where ex-FAR imprisoned Tutsi before killing them and dumping them into Muvumba.

However, the area has since witnessed increased development in terms of social service delivery, trade and investment.

Kagame’s rallies have attracted thousands of supporters. He is widely expected to sweep the July 15 elections. 

Kagame is facing two other politicians in the presidential race – Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party and independent Philippe Mpayimana.

“Every time we live to see the next day, we are standing on the sacrifices and bravery of the men and women who paid the ultimate price for our country to be where it is today,” said Kagame in Nyagatare.

“My second blessing is this chance I have to live to ensure that their sacrifices never go to waste.  That is our responsibility, it is a privilege to be among those who will ensure that those who lost their lives  can rest knowing that their sacrifice was not in vain,” he added. 

“That is what strengthens us, like in that song that says that we fear no war; whether it comes from within or from outside.”

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