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If You Want God To Hear Your Prayers, Do This 7 Key Things

heathlinecare.com 2024/10/5

If you seek divine intervention through prayer, aligning your heart and actions beforehand can deepen your connection and potentially enhance the effectiveness of your prayers. Here are five steps to consider before praying:

1 Receive the LORD Jesus Christ Into Your Heart, And Make Him Your Lord and Saviour

The Word of God says in Romans 10:19 “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (New International Version). Once you believe by faith that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and God rose Him from the dead after three days, and He lives forever, and then you ask Him to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and to be your Lord and Saviour, Jesus will make you brand new.

2. Thank and Worship Him

Psalm 100:4 says to enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter His courts with praise. He is the Great King of all kings, and He loves a thankful heart! You can read more about the Power of Thanksgiving

3 Before you present your requests to God, always thank and worship Him from your heart.

4 Pray God’s Word Back to Him from Singular Verses.

There is great power in praying the Word of God aloud, back to Him! He loves it, and besides touching His heart when you do so, you are getting more of His Word into you, thus strengthening your faith!

You can take most verses of the Bible and make them personal. It helps to use an easy-to-understand literal translation of the Bible, such as the Amplified, the New International Version, or the Revised Standard Version. The LORD will show you which one(s) to use!

5 Find the Bible Verses Where God Promises You What You Want to Pray About

Remember we looked at 1 John 5: 14 – 15 that tells us that if we pray according to His will, He hears us. The Will of God is found in the Word of God. Therefore study the scriptures and find the will of God and promises of God. Then ask what you want from God and present the Word as His promise.

6 Employ Fasting With Your Prayers

There is power in fasting and prayers. Read about The Powerful Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

The Bible is your daily Guidebook, written to YOU, from your loving God! Write out Scriptures He shows you and keep them in your pocket or purse to read often. Tape them to your refrigerator or mirror. Put them on your desk. Surround yourself with His Word, and you will grow in God quickly!

You’ll be making your Spirit Sword bigger and stronger against the enemy every day, and you can use them to share with others to help them be victorious with the all-powerful Word of God!

7. Forgive and Seek Forgiveness.

Let go of any resentment or bitterness harbored towards others. Forgiveness liberates your spirit from negative emotions and fosters reconciliation. Similarly, seek forgiveness for your own transgressions, acknowledging your fallibility and striving for spiritual growth<<Continue Reading>>>

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