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Full List: IGP Byakagaba Drops SCP Enanga In Top Police Officers Reshuffle

thecapitaltimes.co.ug 1 day ago

The newly appointed inspector General of police (IGP )Abbas Byakagaba has reshuffled Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga replacing him with ACP Rusoke Kituuma. Enanga has been assigned to be Deputy Director of interpol.

Below is the full list of reshuffled senior police officers
Richard Echega has been appointed Kampala metropolitan police commander.
Acp Twishime Gerard Deputy KMP Commander.
SSP Seguya RPC KMP East
SSP Nanoka RPC KMP North
Ziwede – CP Curiculum
SCP Steven Tanui who has been KMP Commander is now Deputy Director Fire
Cp Namuwoza CP Fire
SPC Nanding is now commandant  PSU
CP Kibwika is now HRM
Oil n Gas – Nyabongo
ACp Mastura- TOURISM
Muheirwe -Baracks.

More details following….

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