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“Zakayo Must Fall” Reactions As Babu Owino Shares An Emotional Video Of A Youth Making Confessions

opera.com 3 days ago

Photo|Courtesy: (FelicisMarshall) Illustrative Image

Kenyans have gone emotional after Embakasi East Member of Parliament Hon. Babu Owino shared a poignant video featuring a young Kenyan involved in the Gen Z revolution movement making confessions. The protesters have voiced their dissatisfaction with President William Ruto, with chants of "Zakayo must fall," implying that Ruto should be ousted due to widespread suffering under his leadership.

Hon. Babu Owino has joined Kenyans, particularly the Gen Z movement, in condemning the government for its excessive use of police force, which has resulted in brutality and fatalities. Hon Babu Owino, admired for his relentless efforts to improve Kenya through numerous projects, has become a favorite among many citizens.

The video shared by the legislator on his social media pages features a young man expressing deep regret over President Ruto's administration, which has come under fire for overtaxing citizens. Addressing his mother, the young man tearfully explains his decision to join the “Ruto must go” and “Zakayo must fall” protests. He expresses gratitude for his mother’s financial support, despite his dissatisfaction with being jobless and reliant on her for as little as Ksh.100.

The video has sparked widespread reactions on social media, with many Kenyans echoing the call for "Zakayo must fall" as a symbol of their anger and discontent with President Ruto and his government. Others have reiterated that the sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya and vowed to fight for justice, humane treatment of citizens, and the protection of their rights to protest as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya.


Kenyans have reacted by saying that “Zakayo must fall” with most people empathizing with the young man in the video shared by Hon. Babu Owino. Below are some of the reactions from Kenyans on social media:

Wanjiku: "Enough is enough! Zakayo must fall! We deserve a government that listens to its people. Bravo to Babu Owino for standing with the people. We need more leaders like him. #RutoMustGo"

Jared: "Seeing young Kenyans cry out for change is heartbreaking. We must support them and demand accountability. Our Constitution protects our right to protest. We will not back down. The youth are the future of Kenya. #JusticeForProtesters"

Mama Mboga: "As a mother, I feel the pain of that young man. Our youth deserve better opportunities, not bullets. We're in this together. Our unity is our strength in fixing this nation #ZakayoMustFall"

Otieno: "The power belongs to the people. We will not be silenced by brutality. Stand strong, my fellow Kenyans. It's a shame that in 2024, we're still fighting for basic human rights. Solidarity with all protesters.#RutoMustGo"

Amina: "Watching that video brought tears to my eyes. It's time for a change. Our leaders must hear us. Zakayo Must Fall. Seeing young Kenyans so desperate for change is a wake-up call for all of us. We must demand better"

Marshall: "Zakayo must fall. We shall overcome. Mama will be alright someday. Soon. Saba Saba is around the corner. Freedom is nigh. Courage brother. Video via Hon. Babu Owino"


Mama Kiptoo: "May God protect all of you tomorrow, and cover both of you with the blood of Jesus Christ. Yule Mungu alimpa Daudi uwezo wakumaliza Goliath awape nguvu na uwezo (May the God who granted David the power to defeat Goliath give you strength)"

Kelvin: "Relatable. Very unfortunate to see politicians who forged certificates shamelessly roaming around with millions of our hard-earned cash. This video by Babu Owino is too emotional. It will be a successful mission. May God be with you"

Elizabeth: "Hon. Babu Owino is right. We need leaders who care about us, not ones who suppress our voices with violence. #JusticeForProtesters"

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Do you think Ruto should resign or should all the squabbles be sorted out through dialogue? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

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