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All MPs Convene Urgent Meeting Hrs After Ruto Unleashed KDF to Gen Z

opera.com 3 days ago

According to available sources of shared by a reliable source,the National Assembly Members have convened an urgent meeting to give way forward hours after their house witnessed destructions from angry demonstrators.

We as a country have been left speculating on what the urgent meeting that has been called will talk about,if it will he the impeachment of the sitting President William Ruto , because of the deployment of Kenya Defence forces to contain demonstrators,a move that was jot authorized by the National Assembly.

Or maybe the convened meeting will talk and approve the deployment of KDF officers to contain demonstrators in the city and other parts of the country.

Yesterday,the country witnessed protests that has never happened, forcing the President to address the nation late at night. He termed the demonstrators as criminals who are out to terrorize Kenyan and also destroy public property. All Kenyans are now waiting to are what will be the next step the National Assembly Members will take.



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