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‘They Went to Kill a Member of Vikings; They Didn't See Him; They Decided To Go For Robbery’-Police

opera.com 6 days ago

The Edo State police command recently exposed a disturbing connection between cultism and criminal behavior, specifically armed robbery. According to Commissioner of Police Funsho Adegboye, a group of arrested cultists, identified as members of the Eiye cult, initially intended to kill a rival Viking cult member. However, when their plan failed, they resorted to robbery instead

Adegboye emphasized that this incident highlights the correlation betweens you cult violence and criminal activities. He warned the public about the dangers of cultism, stressing that it often leads to more severe crimes like robbery. The police commissioner's statement serves as a wake-up call for the community to recognize the threats posed by cultism and its far-reaching consequences.

The arrest of these cultists and the revelation of their motives underscore the need for increased vigilance and cooperation between law enforcement and the public. By understanding the connection between cultism and criminal activity, we can work together to prevent such crimes and ensure a safer society for all.

In his own words: "They said they wanted to go and kill another member of a rival cult group which is Vikings. As luck was against them, they didn't see the victim to kill so instead of going home empty-handed, they decided to go for robbery. You can see the correlation that I am talking about".

Start the video from 1:00.

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