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Is Technology Stealing Your Child's Future? Essential Tips Every Kenyan Parent Needs to Know

opera.com 2024/7/8

Parents charged with homeschooling get reprieve

Photo: Source/web

In today's world, technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, and its influence on parenting is undeniable. Some argue that technology is taking over parenting, leading to children growing up without morals, lacking vision, and other concerning trends. As Kenyan parents and guardians navigate these challenges, here are some tips to ensure balanced and effective parenting in the digital age.

1. Set Boundaries for Technology Use

It's crucial to establish clear rules regarding the use of gadgets. For instance, designate specific times for homework, chores, and family interactions without the distraction of screens. This helps children learn the importance of prioritizing tasks and fosters discipline.

2. Promote Traditional Values

Encouraging traditional Kenyan values such as respect for elders, community involvement, and the spirit of 'Harambee' (togetherness) can counterbalance the often individualistic nature of online interactions. Engage children in activities like community events or family gatherings to reinforce these values.

3. Encourage Outdoor Activities

With the allure of video games and social media, children might miss out on the benefits of physical play. Organize outdoor activities such as football matches, nature walks, or visits to Nairobi National Park. These activities promote physical health and provide opportunities for family bonding.

4. Be a Role Model

Children often imitate their parents' behaviours. Demonstrate responsible technology use by limiting your screen time and prioritizing face-to-face interactions. Show them that technology is a tool, not a lifestyle.

5. Educate on Digital Literacy and Safety

Teach children about the potential dangers of the internet, such as cyberbullying and online predators. Encourage open communication, so they feel comfortable discussing their online experiences with you.

6. Foster Creativity and Critical Thinking

Use technology to enhance learning and creativity. Introduce educational apps, documentaries, and online courses that align with their interests. For example, platforms like eLimu can provide enriching content that supplements their school curriculum.

By implementing these strategies, Kenyan parents and guardians can ensure that technology enhances rather than hinders their children's development, helping them grow into well-rounded and morally grounded individuals.

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