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We should not forget, it was under Parliamentary System Nigeria Fought Civil War, Obadiah Mbila

opera.com 3 days ago

Nkumogu Obadiah Mbila, a public affairs analyst, has pointed out the historical background of the Nigerian civil war and its link to the parliamentary system. He highlights that during the civil war, there was a lack of respect for the prime minister by political leaders, especially from Western Nigeria.

According to Mbila, this disrespect reveals a significant flaw in the parliamentary system that needs attention. He proposes an advanced form of democracy, known as "home-grown democracy" as suggested by the late Sani Abacha, which could include reforms in the parliamentary system, particularly in prime ministerial elections.

In an interview with The Sun, Mbila said, "We should not forget that it was under parliamentary system that our dear country was visited with civil war. Political leaders, mainly from Western Nigeria, never had respect or regards for the prime minister. That palpable demerit is a call for what the late Sani Abacha branded, as home-grown democracy. In other words, we need an improvement of the parliamentary system, especially in the election of the prime minister."

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