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Meet 5 Powerful Individuals Uhuru Kenyatta Hangs Out With in Private (Photos)

opera.com 3 days ago

Kenyatta has carved a niche as one of the most outgoing and easy to relate with head of state. Kenyatta has surrounded himself with various friends and close allies, from politicians, musicians and school mates.

According to the Nairobian, most of the former President's friends grew up with him in his childhood, went to the same school or are close family allies.

Here are over 6 people he hangs out with during his private time, demonstrated from secret meetings, personal phone calls and close relationships.

1.William Kabogo

Former kiambu governor have been close friends with uhuru since he became Kenya's president

2.Bruce Odhiambo

3.Jimmy Kibaki

The two have been close since high school. Jimmy recalled the incident in 2016, emphasizing how close the two have remained since then.

Since before independence, the Kibaki’s and Kenyatta’s have had a tight bond. Kenyatta’s godfather, Mwai Kibaki, suggested the name Uhuru when he was born in October 1961.

4.Maluki Mwendwa

Maluki is the son of former Chief Justice, the late Kitili Mwendwa. Maluki and Uhuru grew up together in Mombasa and became friends. The friendship has lasted to date. In 2018, he vied for the Kitui West Parliamentary seat but lost to Edith Nyenze; wife to the late Francis Nyenze.

5.Stanley Kinyanjui

Mr Kinyanjui is also a key ally of the former President and also the director of the outdoor advertising company, Magnate Ventures.



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