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Wike Is Doing His Drama In The FCT While Ireti Kingibe Is Doing Nothing In The Senate-Omoyele Sowore

opera.com 3 days ago

The Presidential Candidate of AAC in 2023 election, Omoyele Sowore has questioned the difference between Wike's theatrical antics in the FCT and Senator Ireti Kingibe's inaction in the Senate. 

He criticized the FCT Senator for being one of the silent senators in the National Assembly, despite the substantial support she received from her constituents. He urged Nigerians to elevate their conversations beyond superficial distractions and not allow such political drama to divert their attention from pressing issues.

He said in an interview with AIT, "What is the difference between Wike and the FCT senator? Wike is doing his drama in the FCT while Ireti Kingibe is doing nothing in the Senate. She is one of the silent senators in the National Assembly despite the support she received.

It's time for Nigerians to elevate the conversation beyond distractions and not allow this type of political drama to divert their attention. If we focus on serious issues, politicians would be more concerned about their actions than their appearances, knowing they are under scrutiny. They would then be more inclined to make amends with the people."

(Start Watching The Video From Minute 13:08)

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