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Presidency: “The last time the S-East thought it would be their turn but it was denied" –Ohuabunwa

opera.com 5 days ago

An ex-chairman of the National Economic Summit Group (NESG), Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, argued that a more equitable and just distribution of power among Nigeria's six geographic zones.

According to THE SUN, he said that if this plan were to be supported by the constitution, it would strengthen the country's democracy and tackle political marginalisation.

A group of 35 House of Representatives members calling themselves Reformed-Minded Legislators filed a measure on June 11 calling for a system where the presidency and state governorships be rotated.

They stated that this modification will guarantee equitable representation among the six geopolitical zones while simultaneously reducing the costs of governance.

Ohuabunwa said that people who are against power rotation are trying to ignore the federal character concept, which states that different ethnic and regional groups should have equal say in government. In order to promote inclusivity and a feeling of belonging, he stressed that every zone should have the chance to experience presidential power.

Various regions, including the South-West, South-South, and North-West, have had the president since 1999, he noted. He made the comment that the South East was let down when the power went back to the South West in 2023, after they had expected their turn.

In order to reduce instability and rivalry for power, Ohuabunwa emphasised the need to include a rotating president in the constitution prior to 2027.

The South-West was led by Olusegun Obasanjo, the South-South by Goodluck Jonathan, and the North-West by Muhammadu Buhari, he stated. When it was their turn in 2023, the South East was refused and the power went back to the South West.

The agreement's evolution and the political leaders' failure to adhere to it is an unfortunate truth. It is currently in the southwestern region, but if the rotating presidency isn't a part of the constitution, it's likely to return to the northern region in 2027.

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