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Vocal Politician From Nyanza Urges Gen Z To Come Out Tomorrow In Big Numbers & Put Pressure On Ruto

opera.com 2 days ago

The Canadian based lawyer Miguna Miguna has been vocal in calling upon the Kenyan youths to lead a revolution that will push the incumbent Head of State President William Ruto to the edge forcing him to append his resignation signature and leave office after failing to lead the nation as per the expectations of many Kenyans.

Miguna Miguna had previously been living in exile during the Uhuru Kenyatta government following frequent deportation by former interior CS Fred Matiangi only came back to Kenya after Ruto won the 2022 General elections. Despite having campaigned in favour of Ruto's government, the vocal politician who hails from Raila Odinga's backyard has changed tone and decided to hit the Kenya Kwanza regime hard.

"He was asked very simple questions about the murder of unarmed Kenyans, including children aged 14, some with 8 bullets in their tiny bodies, but William Ruto expressed zero empathy, zero human feelings, and exposed his callousness. He basically said he would do it again. That looting, abductions and extrajudicial executions will continue," Miguna has criticised Ruto's interview on Sunday night.

This has made him continue urging Kenyan youths to hit the streets again tomorrow for a series of protests.

"We finish the job on Tuesday and Thursday. Let’s make it 10 million strong. Don’t listen to anyone selling you fear. This is the time. No army can or will shoot at 10 million peaceful protestors," read his recent text.

Many Kenyans are clearly not happy with Ruto's government as the political landscape temperatures continue to rise. Only time will tell on how the UDA government will survive the Gen Z movement.

Source: https://x.com/MigunaMiguna/status/1807769650551288127?t=c0H0H47ghKdCxYlAS4nzLA&s=19

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