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Economic Hardship: Discovering The Riches Of Agro-Tourism In Nigeria.

opera.com 2024/9/28

The president of Good Governance Forum/Good Governance for Tinubu '23, a member of APC, a grass roots politician and a Former MHA Candidate in Ondo West Constitiency 1, Ondo State, and also an Ambassador for UN-SDGs, Hon. Michael Okosun,

Okosun said that, as Nigeria continues to navigate the challenges of economic hardship, it's time to look beyond traditional industries and explore innovative solutions. One such solution lies in the untapped potential of agro-tourism. This emerging sector has the capacity to not only diversify our economy but also showcase the country's natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.

Agro-tourism, a form of sustainable tourism, involves visiting and staying on working farms and ranches. This type of tourism allows visitors to experience the authentic rural life, participate in farm activities, and enjoy the scenic countryside. Nigeria, with its vast arable land, diverse crops, and livestock, is perfectly positioned to capitalize on this growing trend.

The benefits of agro-tourism are multifaceted. Firstly, it provides an additional income stream for farmers, enabling them to sustain their agricultural businesses and contribute to the local economy. Secondly, it promotes conservation and sustainable farming practices, ensuring the long-term viability of our natural resources. Lastly, agro-tourism offers a unique opportunity for cultural exchange, allowing visitors to learn about Nigeria's rich agricultural heritage and traditional farming methods.

Some potential agro-tourism destinations in Nigeria include the cocoa farms in Ondo State, the rice paddies in Kebbi State, and the livestock ranches in Plateau State. These destinations offer a range of activities, from farm tours and animal feeding to hiking and birdwatching.

To fully harness the potential of agro-tourism, Nigeria must invest in infrastructure development, marketing, and training programs for farmers and tour operators. Additionally, policies and regulations must be put in place to ensure the sustainability and quality of agro-tourism operations.

In conclusion, agro-tourism presents a unique opportunity for Nigeria to diversify its economy, promote sustainable agriculture, and showcase its natural beauty. Let us embrace this emerging sector and unlock the riches of agro-tourism for the benefit of all Nigerians.

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