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There is no governor in Nigeria who will not make about a billion naira from salaries–Adebayo Orire

opera.com 6 days ago

According to a report by The Sun, a prominent member of the All Progressives Congress in Ekiti State, Dr. Adebayo Orire, has strongly criticized the widespread corruption among government officials. He pointed out that Nigerian governors can easily amass billions of Naira through legal channels such as salaries, allowances, and security allocations, even without resorting to illegal activities.

Dr. Orire emphasized the stark difference between the immense wealth accumulated by these governors and the dismal state of public services. He argued that their greed and misconduct directly contribute to the poor quality of education, healthcare, and infrastructure in Nigeria.

( Photo credit : The Sun Newspaper Official Facebook Page )

During an interview with The Sun, He stated, "There is no governor in Nigeria today who will not make about a billion naira legitimately from salaries, from allowances, from security votes that he can spend unchecked; he will make about a billion naira and he will not eat from it, he will not buy petrol from it; everything is done free, on top of it you are still stealing money, stealing hundreds of billions of naira. And that accounts for bad hospitals, bad schools, bad roads causing accidents and so a lot of people are dying because of your misdemeanor. Then you now say plea bargain. What are you plea bargaining for? You stole one billion naira, you are told to go away with four hundred million naira out of the money you stole."

( Photo credit : The Sun Newspaper Official Facebook Page )

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