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Faith Odhiambo's Late Night Remarks After Court Rendered It's Ruling On The 187 Gen Z Arrested

opera.com 3 days ago

After a long day in court stretching late into the night, the Magistrates Court at Milimani rendered its ruling on the 187 people arrested and charged following yesterday's protests. 

The court has granted each of the children arrested a personal bond of kshs. 10,000 and has ordered that they be held at Capitol Hill police station separate from the adults as they provide details of their parents in accordance with the bond terms. The adults were each given Personal bond of kshs. 50,000 and will be released after providing details of their close family and relatives. 

To prevent the recent habit of police frustrating release processes even after court orders are issued, the court gave the police a deadline of 10 am by which time all relevant details of the arrested persons ought to have been recorded and their release secured.

The matter will be mentioned tomorrow for directions on how children can be given protection as most are orphaned street children". Said Faith Odhiambo LSK president.

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