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"When Everyone Calls You A Liar You Know Its Over, Just Quit Public Service ," Alfred Keter Tells Ruto

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Nandi MP Alfred Keter has delivered a scathing message to President Ruto, urging him to step down amid growing accusations of dishonesty and public dissatisfaction.

"The moment you get to a point where everyone calls you a liar, that is when you know it is over. And then just quit public service. #RutoMustGo," Keter declared in a passionate morning message directed at the highest office in the land.

The former MP, known for his outspoken nature and no-nonsense approach, did not mince words as he criticized what he perceives as a failure of leadership and accountability under President Ruto's administration. His call for resignation comes amidst mounting political tension and public outcry over governance issues and alleged scandals.

Keter's statement has reverberated across social media platforms, igniting intense debate and drawing both support and criticism from various quarters of the political spectrum. His uncompromising stance reflects a broader sentiment of disillusionment among sections of the electorate, who feel let down by promises made and unfulfilled.

As the nation braces for potential demonstrations, Keter's rallying cry adds fuel to the fire of discontent, highlighting deep-seated frustrations with the current state of affairs in Kenya's political landscape. The timing of his message, just days before planned protests, underscores the urgency and gravity with which many perceive the need for change at the highest levels of government.

In conclusion, Alfred Keter's stark warning to President Ruto encapsulates the polarizing nature of Kenyan politics today, where calls for accountability and transparency clash with entrenched power dynamics. Whether his message will catalyze broader movements for change remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the pressure on President Ruto is intensifying, and the nation waits with bated breath to see how events unfold in the coming days.

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