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When I Entered Fubara's Office, He Threw a Paper at Me and Said, 'AG, Look at That Paper' —Prof. Zacchaeus Adangor

opera.com 2024/6/16

During an interview with Channels Television, Prof. Zacchaeus Adangor, former Attorney General of Rivers State, revealed an unsettling encounter with Governor Fubara where he threw a paper at him and told him to look at it. Adangor recounted how the governor directed him to refer all legal processes served on the chambers of the attorney-general to the top office for direction, a departure from standard protocol. 

Adangor revealed that he complied but soon found himself in a confrontational situation when Governor Fubara questioned his decision to challenge the validity of a lawsuit filed by Dr. CAJ Chinwo. Adangor asserted his authority as the chief law officer, stating that when it comes to matters of law, he is the master. 

According to him, "After I filed the processes, the governor subsequently invited me to his office, and when I entered the office, he threw a paper at me and said, Attorney-General, look at that paper. I picked up the paper and looked at it. It was the process I filed in that suit instituted by Dr. CAJ Chinwo, and he said, Why did you challenge this suit? Why did you challenge the competence of the suit? I said, Your Excellency, sir, when it comes to matters of law, as attorney-general or chief law office, I am the master."

Watch the video from 14:11.

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