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"I Don't Mind Being Called Zakayo, I'm Going To Tax Kenyans & Do This" Ruto Declares Amidst Protests

opera.com 4 days ago

Debt management is a crucial aspect of financial stability, and it is essential for countries like Kenya to adopt effective strategies to ensure they do not fall into the trap of debt default.

As William Ruto aptly put it, “If we continue borrowing, we will go down the cliff.” This statement emphasizes the importance of responsible borrowing and debt management practices.

In Kenya, the government has been borrowing heavily to finance various development projects and initiatives.

While borrowing can be beneficial when managed properly, it can have severe consequences if not managed effectively. Debt default can lead to financial instability, negatively impacting the economy and the livelihoods of citizens.

To avoid falling down the cliff, Kenya needs to implement robust debt management strategies.

This includes carefully assessing the country’s borrowing needs, prioritizing essential projects, and ensuring that borrowed funds are used efficiently.

Additionally, Kenya should focus on diversifying its revenue streams and reducing dependence on foreign loans to mitigate the risks associated with debt default.

By adopting responsible borrowing practices and implementing effective debt management strategies, Kenya can avoid the consequences of debt default and ensure a sustainable financial future.

It is a sacrifice worth making to safeguard the country’s economic stability and provide a brighter future for its citizens.

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