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I Heard A Loud Blast, And Before We Realized What Was Happening, There Was A Fire- Eyewitness, Musa

opera.com 5 days ago

A late-night fire outbreak at the Obasanjo Trailer Park in Ogere, Remo-North Local Government Area, has left local businesses reeling from significant losses. The incident, which occurred around 11 p.m., caught many residents off guard and highlighted the lack of adequate emergency response infrastructure in the area.

Eyewitness Musa, who was present during the incident, recounted the chaotic scene to The Punch News. "The fire started about 11 p.m. when we were already sleeping. I heard a loud blast, and before we realized what was happening, there was a fire," he stated. The sudden nature of the outbreak left little time for preventative measures.

In the absence of professional firefighters, local residents rallied to combat the blaze using makeshift methods. "People around used buckets to fetch water from the gutter to quench the fire because there were no firefighters nearby," Musa explained. This grassroots effort, while commendable, proved insufficient to fully contain the rapidly spreading fire.

The financial impact of the disaster quickly became apparent as the flames engulfed valuable equipment and goods. One businessman, who chose to remain anonymous, reported a staggering loss of 30 million naira. "I learned that the fire caught one of the shops and extended to my truck. The truck is worth N30 million," he lamented. The man's truck was one of two affected, but his vehicle was completely destroyed in the inferno.

Reflecting on the broader implications of the incident, the businessman added, "This incident will affect my business. I don't know what to say, and I've left everything in God's hands." His story underscores the potential long-term economic repercussions for individuals and the local community.

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