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Gen Z's Releases New Calendar Of Demonstrations Starting From This Date.

opera.com 2024/10/5

Gen Z in Kenya has recently organized a new series of events after feeling let down by the government's response to their concerns. The consequences have been severe: 41 deaths, 380 injuries, and some left paralyzed. Families are torn apart, and many lives have been permanently changed. Their demands are simple yet critical: better governance and accountability from their leaders. The misuse of state resources to suppress and harm Kenyans who are simply seeking justice and transparency is seen as a grave betrayal. Some argue it borders on treason.

In the past week, there has been a flood of scandals and distractions in the news, seemingly aimed at dividing Gen Z's anger and weakening their unity. It's crucial not to let these tactics confuse us. Our unity is our strength. The real adversary, according to many, is singular: William Ruto.

The resolve remains unwavering: President William Ruto must resign. Gen Z calls upon Members of Parliament to listen to the people's voice. They set a clear deadline for action, demanding that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) be established within 2-3 weeks.

Every Tuesday, they urge all Kenyans to demonstrate by occupying IEBC offices nationwide and also the offices of MPs. Thursdays are designated as #RutoThursday, where citizens are encouraged to occupy major roads until Ruto steps down.



These actions are part of a focused strategy to regain control of their future and hold their leaders accountable. Gen Z's determination underscores their commitment to achieving justice and securing a better future for Kenya.

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