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"We Don't Kill or Drink Your Blood" Freemasons Responds Back To Kenyans, Demystify Myths About Group

opera.com 4 days ago

The Freemasons Society, an institution long veiled in lore and mystery, has taken the initiative to confront and dispel a number of falsehoods about itself.

Prominent members have made recent public declarations intended to dispel the myths that have damaged their reputation for many years. The public's misperception of Freemasons is largely based on claims that they participate in evil rituals like blood drinking and ceremonial murders.

The gang has vehemently refuted these allegations. The Freemasons highlight that the foundation of their organization is based on the ideals of altruism, volunteerism, and the development of fraternal relationships among its members.

Several prominent Freemasons have spoken out in an attempt to debunk these falsehoods.Among them is John Kufuor, the former president of Ghana, who has declared in the open that Freemasonry is a fraternity that encourages moral conduct and public duty rather than a cult.

Kufuor has been spotted attending Freemason meetings alongside other dignitaries such as Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.As the Freemasons point out, their members are found in many important spheres of society, such as politics, business, government, and even the religious community.

They contend that their pervasiveness is a sign of the respect and confidence they have gained from their contributions to society.The Freemasons claim to be a force for good, dedicated to promoting humanitarian causes and reducing suffering, rather than a shadowy and evil organization.

A noteworthy instance of their philanthropic endeavors is the latest contribution of more than KSh 2.7 million towards the Heal Okomfo Anokye Project. The goal of this project is to update the inpatient wards of a 70-year-old hospital, showcasing the organization's commitment to enhancing community welfare.

According to its members, freemasonry is one of the biggest non-religious, non-political fraternal organizations in the world. They stress that it unites people from all walks of life, who come together as equals despite differences in social class, religion, or race. Freemasonry's fundamental principles include fostering wholesome connections and cooperating for the good of humanity.

The organization admits that some of the unfavorable impression stems from dishonest people misusing the Freemasonry name for their own gain. Regrettably, these actions have connected the group to wickedness and occultism. Freemasons, on the other hand, are eager to set themselves apart from these people and reiterate their dedication to making constructive contributions to society.


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