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Bad Morning News To Gen Zs Before Demos Starts As DCI Receives New Directives

opera.com 3 days ago

On Monday, July 1, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Renson Ingonga, issued a directive to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to commence an investigation into individuals involved in the recent vandalism of both private and public property. This call to action comes in the wake of significant damage and loss of life, particularly noted on June 25.

In his statement, Ingonga instructed detectives to diligently investigate the incidents and submit the inquiry files for further legal action upon completion. The DPP emphasized that any individual found culpable of these acts would face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

"The right to assemble, demonstrate, and picket is not absolute," Ingonga stated. "It is limited by the need to protect lives and property. Any person involved in such assembly, demonstration, or picketing must be peaceful and unarmed. This right does not extend to propaganda or acts of war."

The DPP made it clear that any future acts of violence resulting in loss of lives or damage to property, especially critical infrastructure like Parliament, the Judiciary, and facilities of the National and County Governments, would be severely dealt with.

Ingonga's directive follows closely on the heels of DCI detectives revealing the identities of alleged looters involved in the recent demonstrations. According to the DCI, investigations have been launched into those who took advantage of the protests to engage in looting. The DCI assured that stern action would be taken against those found guilty.

"As a criminal investigative agency, it is the mandate of the DCI to investigate and bring to book any persons involved in such outright criminality. While some suspects have already been arrested and arraigned in various courts, more perpetrators are still at large, awaiting opportunities to strike again," the DCI noted.

This decisive action by the DPP and DCI aims to restore order and deter future incidents of vandalism and violence, reinforcing the rule of law and ensuring the safety and security of public and private property.



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