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Photos Of Thursday's Protests That Broke The Internet

opera.com 5 days ago

For two weeks now Kenya has been experiencing continuous protest led by the youth popularly called the Gen Z. Kenyans were angry at the Kenya Kwanza government but their agitation was intensified by the introduction of the finance bill 2024 which was going to increase the price of some daily important items.

Calls from the people to the government to withdraw the bill were effortless as MPs went forward to vote for the bill. This led to the emergence of the Gen Z revolution that vowed to fight for their rights from a government that was clearly not ready to care for them. The young people said they were going to fight for their future and for their weak parents that were unable to speak up against the oppressive government.

Things escalated fast and in no time the people were in the streets. Initially the revolution had been underrated but when the first wave of protests came the government realized they had messed a big deal. Tuesday's protests were the worst to have ever happened in the country as the parliament was occupied by the people.

Another protest was held on Thursday to demand for the resignation of president William Ruto who Kenyans have said is no longer capable of leading this country. However, the Thursday protests were much controlled due to the presence of soldiers in the streets. They had been deployed on Tuesday night after things got messy.

Different incidents happened during the protests including the looting of businesses by hired goons and harassment of protesters by police officers. This did not however stop the people from marching in the streets. Below are some of the most trending events recorded during the nig march in Nairobi.

Civilians surrounding a KDF vehicle in the streets of Nairobi.

Military vehicles patrolling the streets of Nairobi on Thursday afternoon.

A protester spotted brandishing a firearm during the demonstrations

More soldiers patrolling the streets on Thursday

A police officer harassing a protester in Nairobi's CBD area

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