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Southwest Benefited Most Under Buhari, North’s Hopes Under Tinubu in Jeopardy—Abdul-Aziz Na'ibi

opera.com 1 day ago

In a recent tweet, Abdul-Aziz Na'ibi Abubakar, the Director-General of the Atikuthelight organization, expressed his views on the perceived regional disparities in the benefits of Nigeria's recent administrations. His comments have sparked considerable debate on social media, especially regarding the developmental trajectory under President Muhammadu Buhari and the ongoing expectations from President Bola Tinubu.

Abubakar asserted that the Southwest region reaped substantial benefits during Buhari's presidency, more so than any other region in Nigeria. This statement highlights a commonly held belief among some Nigerians that the Southwest enjoyed preferential treatment in terms of infrastructure development and federal attention during Buhari's tenure. Abubakar's tweet read: "Southwest benefited more from Buhari's Presidency than any other region in Nigeria, the north was expecting the same energy from Tinubu but with the way things are going, it seems even the AKK Gas pipeline & Abuja-Kaduna-Kano road can't be completed under Tinubu talk more of Mambila Hydro power & other important projects."

The tweet reflects growing concerns in Northern Nigeria about the current administration's ability to fulfill its promises. Abubakar's mention of significant projects such as the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) Gas Pipeline, the Abuja-Kaduna-Kano road, and the Mambila Hydroelectric Power Project underscores the critical infrastructure that the North expected to see completed under President Tinubu. These projects are vital for economic development and regional stability, and delays in their completion could have significant implications for the North’s progress and overall national growth.

Further, Abubakar criticized Buhari for not prioritizing projects that could have significantly boosted Nigeria's economy and improved the general wellbeing of its citizens. He suggested that Buhari's administration lacked focus on essential economic and infrastructural projects, which has left the current administration with a challenging legacy. "Buhari would've saved us from this ranting if he had been focused on delivering the most important projects that would boost our economy & wellbeing," he added.

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