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9 Signs Of a Healthy Relationship

opera.com 2 days ago

1. You don’t mind apologizing

Relationships can be complicating and no matter how well you get along there will always be times of conflict

Nevertheless, what allows healthy relationships to succeed is the willingness of both partners to work on it

If both of you can say that you are sorry and don’t hold on to pride then that’s a sign of a healthy relationship

In a relationship, it is important that you are able to admit when you make a mistake and are willing to apologize.

2. You both are a team

The best thing about having a best friend is that he or she got your back and that’s the same in a relationship.

Both of you are willing to defend the other person in their absence or even in a group setting where other people can see that you are a union and you communicate and respect each other. A healthy relationship is where you both make each other look good and support each other

3. Always trust each other

One of the most beautiful traits of healthy relationships is that you trust each other.

When you find ‘The One’ God has for you there is a sense of peace that comes with it. You trust your partner to honor their words when they do what they said they will do, follow through with their actions and show you that they are reliable

Building a relationship of trust is important because it allows the relationship to evolve. Only if you feel like you trust your partner will you feel comfortable enough to go to the next level with him or her and discuss marriage.

4. You get to spend some time apart

Being in a strong relationship doesn’t mean you have to spend all your time together, this means you can have separate lives and friends. It means you are able to keep a sense of individuality without fearing that your partner will be jealous or resentful

Remember it is important to have a life outside of your relationship which gives you a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

5. You always make decisions together

A healthy relationship is a partnership in which you don’t have to struggle to be heard or listened to but rather both of you discuss important life events and when circumstances affect your relationship you decide on the best solution together

In healthy relationships both of you have equal say and don’t feel like one person is in charge of the relationship be willing to compromise because you know that you are not being taken advantage of.

6. You learn to sacrifice for each other

For all my single ladies out there being in a relationship isn’t just about the romance and the cute date nights but rather a healthy relationship is a partnership that requires commitment and sacrifice it is about sharing a life together which can sometimes be challenging.

In a good relationship you should be willing to sacrifice some of your unrealistic expectations over-the-top demands and bad habits from your single season.

A healthy partnership requires both of you to sacrifice selfish desires to make space for combined goals dreams and traditions.

7. Help encourage each other to grow your purposes

Encouraging one another to grow as a person and follow your dreams and passion is another sign of a healthy relationship because you want your partner to grow even if that means they outgrow you and that is because love doesn’t envy but wants the best for the other.

One of the most important things in a healthy relationship is to date with purpose you want to have one common or two complimenting visions and that’s why it’s so important that both of you enter into the relationship with a healthy amount of self-love. That allows you to be secure enough in yourself to want the best for the other

8. You can sense each other’s mood

A healthy couple knows each other well enough to sense when something is wrong even without talking. You know when to show support and encourage the other person or simply give them space you also become sensitive to your partner's personality which is an important sign of a healthy relationship.

9. You have fun together

Lastly, one of the best relationship advice that I can give you is to have fun together

There will be so many moments when life is hard and pulling you down but then a great relationship partner that you can create funny moments with will add a whole new layer of mental health and sustain you even when you go through a rough time.

Fun and laughter are a good way to increase the health of a relationship

As you can see from the above 9 signs, being in a relationship shouldn’t stress you out but make you happy and give you peace.

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