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I Gave My Wife Permission To Cheat On Me And Begged Her To Stay In My House - Actor Sola Olaibi

opera.com 2 days ago

Popular Yoruba movie star Sola Olaibi, well known by his stage name 'Gaji,' has revealed what he told his wife when he saw that she was beginning to act casually in their marriage. He also discussed the mistakes he made that led to their misunderstanding.

In a video that Talk-To-B posted, he said that he begged his wife to stay in their relationship and that he had told her to cheat on him with another guy.

In his words, "All of a sudden, I discovered that my wife changed her attitude towards our relationship. I'm someone who loves a woman with all my heart, and I used to call her up to 97 times per day."

"My wife told me that she was no more interested in our relationship, but I pleaded with her and told her to consider what people would say about us."

"I gave my wife permission to cheat on me with another man, and I begged her not to divorce me."

"I begged her to stay in my house as my wife because I had low self-esteem and I was afraid that I couldn't find another woman to marry, but she didn't listen to me, and she divorced me."

You can watch his video here from 31:56 to 34:36 minutes.

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