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Anti-Government Protesters Block Major Highways and Interchanges in Israel

opera.com 2024/6/26

Highway 4 near Ra'anana in the direction of Tel Aviv is blocked by protestors calling for elections on June 16, 2024 (Danor Aharon via anti-government protest movement)

Anti-government protesters have launched a series of blockades, targeting major highways and interchanges across the nation, in a demonstration of their discontent. The blockades have disrupted traffic on Route 1 toward Jerusalem, Route 4 heading south from Raanana, and the Ayalon in north Tel Aviv. Additional interchanges affected by these actions include Kfar Tavor, Gazit, Yavor, Einat, and Nahalim, according to Times of Israel.

This wave of protests has been meticulously organized by activists who have declared a week-long series of demonstrations. Their goal is ambitious: to mobilize one million people to take to the streets in a unified call for new elections and a hostage deal. This surge in civil action reflects a deepening frustration among the populace, driven by recent government decisions that have sparked widespread controversy.

The public's anger has been further inflamed by a recent coalition vote to apply "continuity" to a bill from the previous Knesset. This bill seeks to lower the age of exemption from mandatory military service for Haredi yeshiva students, a move that has been met with significant opposition. Many view this as an unfair adjustment that favors a specific demographic at the expense of broader societal obligations.

Adding to the tension, the cabinet is set to discuss the extension of an emergency measure that delays retirement for IDF reservists. This measure, seen by some as a necessary step to maintain military readiness, is viewed by others as an imposition on reservists who have already dedicated significant portions of their lives to service. The combination of these issues has created a volatile atmosphere, with protesters demanding immediate and significant changes.

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