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If You See People Paying Homage to Sanusi and Ado Bayero, You'll See Leaders Taking Sides—Baba Yusuf

opera.com 2024/6/30

Political strategist Baba Yusuf has weighed in on the ongoing power struggle within the Kano Emirate, lamenting that leaders are taking sides instead of working towards unity. In an interview with Arise TV, Yusuf praised the past achievements of Alhaji Ado Bayero, who consolidated the royal house and brought people together. 

He also acknowledged the excellent leadership of Muhammad Sanusi, who built on Ado Bayero's legacy. However, Yusuf expressed disappointment that the current power tussle between Muhammad Sanusi II and Ado Bayero's descendants has led to divisions among leaders, with some taking sides and others attempting to remain neutral. 

According to him, "We've been able to have leaders that come later as kings to consolidate the royal house and move on, and the last one is his Highness of Blessed Memory, Alhaji Ado Bayero. Muhammed Sanusi the first had to leave, and then he came and, thank God, was able to consolidate the house, bring people together, and lead the way, which he did excellently till he left. It turns out that we didn't learn those lessons. Now, in this gaping gap, if you see the people paying homage to his Highness, Muhammad Sanusi II, and his Highness, Alhaji Ado Bayero, you'll see the leaders and the various title holders are also taking sides. Although some of them have decided to play neutral,"

Watch the video from 12:51.

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