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All My Colleagues That We Started Acting Movies Together Are Dead, I'm The Only One Left" Akin Lewis

opera.com 2024/7/4

Renowned Nollywood actor Akin Lewis has shared insights into his long-standing career in the Nigerian film industry, revealing the fate of his early contemporaries and highlighting his personal achievements.

In a recent interview with Oyinmomotv, available on their official YouTube channel, Lewis made a startling revelation about his peers. "All my colleagues that we started acting movies together are dead, I'm the only one left," he stated, underscoring the passage of time and the challenges faced by actors in the industry.

Lewis, known for his enduring presence in Nollywood, attributes his longevity and success to his education. "I'm a well-educated person. That is what helped my level of exposure in the movie industry," he explained, emphasizing the importance of knowledge in navigating the entertainment world.

The veteran actor also shed light on the financial realities of the profession. "In this job, there is money and there is poverty," Lewis noted, pointing out that while actors can earn substantial sums, financial management is crucial. He observed that some actors tend to spend lavishly, potentially jeopardizing their future security.

Lewis stressed the importance of financial planning in an industry lacking formal pension structures. "There is no pension in our job, so it's important to develop a saving habit for the future," he advised, adding that such foresight is essential for actors to care for themselves, especially in times of illness.

Watch the video from (26:48 to 29:46). https://youtu.be/2L25O_fN76k?si=iEzBCnU6GSbF1mrk

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