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Not Gachagu or Uhuru, DCI Releases 6 Politicians Suspected to be Behind The Protests

opera.com 4 days ago

Six political leaders on the radar of DCI detectives as NIS pins them in Gen Z demos. As protests continue to rock the country for the third consecutive week, police are investigating the alleged financiers behind the demonstrations.

According to reports by the Nation, six politicians, a businessman, and two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are believed to be financing the protests. The financial backing is believed to support the demonstrations against the Finance Bill, reflecting significant political and social unrest within the country.

The six politicians are accused of mobilizing protestors from slums in the capital and other regions, infiltrating planned peaceful demonstrations, and paying some protestors. Additionally, they are accused of providing logistical support and resources to sustain the protests, intensifying the unrest against the Finance Bill. These actions have raised concerns about the true motives behind the demonstrations.

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