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Hamas Denies Plans for Foreign Troops in Gaza, Calls for Unity Against Israeli Aggression

opera.com 2024/10/5

Any plans to station foreign military in the Gaza Strip have been firmly rejected by Hamas, according to Hamas.

According to Al Jazeera, this emphasises Hamas' position in favour of preserving Palestinian authority and sovereignty in the area.

The group emphasised that Gaza's governance is solely a Palestinian concern.

"The Palestinian people … will not allow any guardianship or the imposition of any external solutions or equations," said Hamas.

The rejection of foreign forces by Hamas is a reaction to the continuous debates and proposals on the potential use of foreign troops for regional stabilisation by certain international entities.

Hamas is fiercely opposed to these plans because it sees any foreign military deployment as an infringement on Palestinian sovereignty and self-determination.

In addition, Hamas urged Arab and Muslim nations to apply pressure for an end to what it views as Israeli aggression in Gaza.

The goal of this call to action is to mobilise the local community in opposition to Israel's military operations in the region, which Hamas claims are harmful to the Palestinian people and their dreams of achieving self-governance.

The denial of foreign powers is consistent with the larger political doctrine of Hamas, which is based on the assertion of Palestinian rights and resistance to outside influence.

The leadership of the group thinks that allowing foreign troops would be a threat to their power and would result in them losing control of the Gaza Strip.

This announcement is made against the backdrop of the region's ongoing hostility and bloodshed.

Israeli forces and Palestinian organisations have been engaged in combat in Gaza for a considerable amount of time; these confrontations have occasionally escalated and resulted in heavy fatalities and destruction.

An already unstable scenario becomes even more difficult with the possible entry of foreign forces.

Hamas is reinforcing its position as the only legitimate authority in Gaza, in charge of the governance and well-being of its people, by vehemently rejecting outside interference.

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