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Lagos Struggles to Implement Safe Abortion Guidelines Amidst Public Debate

opera.com 4 days ago

(Image Source: Vanguard News)

The Lagos state government had issued guidelines to regulate the safe termination of pregnancy for legally permitted cases, but these guidelines were later suspended after sparking significant public debate. 

According to Vanguard News, the state's Health Commissioner explained the suspension was meant to allow for further engagement with stakeholders and the public, to ensure they understand the purpose and benefits of the guidelines. However, this suspension has now dragged on for two years with no resolution.

Nigeria, including Lagos state, has a high rate of unsafe abortions, which account for over 50% of maternal deaths in the state. The suspended guidelines were intended to establish clear legal parameters for abortion access and educate healthcare providers, in order to prevent these unsafe procedures.

The state's Health Ministry now says the guidelines were not meant to be permanently cancelled, but were only temporarily suspended due to public misunderstanding. They are now focused on public education and stakeholder engagement, with the goal of potentially reinstating the guidelines in the future.

Vanguard News stated that some experts argue the suspension was more driven by political factors than the actual merits of the guidelines, which they see as a crucial step to regulate safe, legal abortion services and reduce maternal mortality from unsafe methods.

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