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Kiambu Senator Karungo Thangwa Advises President Ruto to Host a Meeting with Gen Z on Tiktok

opera.com 3 days ago

Kiambu senator Karungo Thangwa has encouraged the president to host a meeting with young people on Tiktok. Karungo Thangwa believes that Tiktok will allow better interaction between the president and young people around the country.

Karungo Thangwa praised president William Ruto for accepting to hold a discussion with young people in Kenya. The senator believes that the president is determined to address the challenges facing many young people in the country.

Many young people have been engaged in protests around the country. Kenyans have been angered by the government's proposal to increase taxes through the controversial Finance Bill. Violent protests have been witnessed in different parts of the country.

The president is determined to support young people in Kenya to grow their businesses. He has promised to implement economic policies that will empower many young people in different parts of the country.

Karungo Thangwa has encouraged all leaders in the country to put aside their political differences and support the president. The president has promised to transform the economic situation in the country within the next few years.

Karungo Thangwa is currently serving as the senator for Kiambu county. He was elected during the general elections in 2022. He previously served as a member of county assembly between 2013 and 2022. He is a close ally of president William Ruto.

The young leader has been advocating for the interests of young people for many years. He believes that young people have been neglected by the government for many years. He has called for the inclusion of young people in making decisions for the government.


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