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President Ruto Faces Backlash After Controversial Remark on Kennedy Onyango’s Death

opera.com 3 days ago

President William Ruto’s recent response to questions about the tragic death of Kennedy Onyango has ignited a firestorm of criticism. In a video that circulated widely on social media, Ruto was seen asking whether Onyango was still alive, a remark that has drawn sharp reactions from Kenyans.

Kennedy Onyango, a young man whose death has captured national attention, was allegedly killed during a police operation. His family and activists have been demanding justice and accountability. When confronted about the incident, President Ruto’s seemingly callous question—“Is he alive?”—has left many outraged.

Kenyans took to social media platforms to express their anger and disappointment. The hashtag #JusticeForOnyango trended as citizens demanded empathy, compassion, and a commitment to addressing extrajudicial killings. Critics argue that Ruto’s response was insensitive and out of touch with the gravity of the situation.

Ruto’s handling of the Onyango case has implications beyond public sentiment. Opposition leaders have seized upon the opportunity to criticize the government’s approach to human rights and police brutality. Calls for an independent investigation into Onyango’s death have intensified.

In a subsequent statement, President Ruto clarified that his question was taken out of context. He expressed condolences to Onyango’s family and promised a thorough investigation. However, the damage had already been done, and the incident continues to dominate headlines.

As the nation mourns Kennedy Onyango’s tragic loss, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for transparency, accountability, and compassion from Kenya’s leadership. The video remains a focal point in discussions about justice and the role of those in power.

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