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Gallant Says IDF Tanks Finishing Up in Rafah Can Reach as Far as Lebanon’s Litani River

opera.com 3 days ago

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visits troops on the Gaza border on July 3, 2024. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry)

During a visit to the Gaza border, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant addressed the Israeli troops, emphasizing the operational readiness and capabilities of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He highlighted that the tanks emerging from the fierce battles in Rafah possess the capability to advance as far as the Litani River in Lebanon, which lies approximately 10 miles north of Israel's border. This statement underscores Israel's demand for Hezbollah to withdraw its forces to this line, marking a strategic boundary for the IDF, according to Reuters.

Gallant reassured the troops that Israeli forces are prepared to undertake any necessary actions against Hezbollah. However, he emphasized that the preferred approach is to achieve a negotiated settlement. "We are striking Hezbollah very hard every day," Gallant stated, underscoring the ongoing military operations targeting the terror group. He added, "We will also reach a state of full readiness to take any action required in Lebanon, or to reach an arrangement from a position of strength. We prefer an arrangement, but if reality forces us, we will know how to fight."

This declaration from Gallant reflects Israel's dual strategy of maintaining military pressure while remaining open to diplomatic solutions. The defense minister's comments signal a clear message of deterrence, aiming to convey to Hezbollah and other adversaries that the IDF is fully capable of extended operations if necessary. At the same time, the emphasis on preferring an arrangement indicates Israel's willingness to pursue peaceful resolutions from a strong negotiating position.

The context of Gallant's remarks comes amid heightened tensions and ongoing hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. The IDF has been conducting continuous strikes against Hezbollah targets, aiming to weaken the group's military infrastructure and deter further aggression. Gallant's visit and statements serve both as a morale boost for the troops and a strategic communication to Israel's adversaries and international observers.

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