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Real Madrid star set to take pay cut to stay at the club - REPORTS

opera.com 2024/6/23

Spanish and European Champions Real Madrid have been facing a lot of uncertainty over the future of some of their players. One of their stars who has been a subject of speculation is Luka Modric and latest reports claim the midfielder is ready to pen a new contract and take a pay cut.

Luka Modric seems set to do all his best to stay at Real Madrid. The 38 year old Croatian international has been a long serving player at the club and largely played a huge role in their success over the years. Modric's current contract at the club is set to expire soon and talks are said to have held over the possibilty of penning a new one.

According to reports from media outlet Mundo Deportivo, Real Madrid's Luka Modric is set to sign a new contract at the Santiago Bernabeu and take a pay cut of around 40%. The Croatian midfielder is reported to be earning around €10 Million per season currently but it could reduce to €6 Million should a new deal be reached.

It remains to be seen if Luka Modric's new deal will be finalised in the coming days or weeks.

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