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ICJ Makes Public Number of Deaths and Abductions Recorded During Recent Gen-Z Protests

opera.com 3 days ago

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has reported significant human rights abuses during recent nationwide protests, documenting 24 deaths, 34 abductions, and 271 injuries.

In a letter sent to the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA), the ICJ called for a thorough investigation into these incidents, asserting that the recent events undermine democratic principles and the rule of law.

The commission condemned the severe human rights violations observed during the protests, which have intensified since May 2024.


These violations include corporal punishment, the use of unlawful force, and firearms by security agencies.

"So far, we have documented 24 deaths, 34 enforced disappearances or abductions, and 271 injuries," the letter stated.

The ICJ expressed concerns that the situation could deteriorate further with the recent deployment of Defence Forces across the country, following parliamentary approval on June 26, 2024.

The commission emphasized that the attacks on civilians by security forces contravene international human rights standards, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Kenya's own Constitution. Both documents protect the right to peaceful assembly and protest.

The UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials stipulate that lethal force should only be used in exceptional circumstances and when absolutely necessary to protect life.

The ICJ has urged IPOA to investigate these human rights violations swiftly and comprehensively, holding accountable those responsible for approving and executing the use of fatal force, arbitrary arrests, kidnappings, and forced disappearances.

"We implore the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) to conduct a detailed and urgent investigation into these violations," the commission urged.

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