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Contributions and Challenges of Nigerian’s In Diaspora – Opinion

opera.com 2 days ago

The Nigerian diaspora is a significant and dynamic community that has made substantial contributions to both their host countries and their homeland. Nigerian expatriates, spread across the globe, particularly in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and South Africa, have established themselves as vital players in various sectors. This community includes professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and laborers who enrich the cultural and economic landscapes of their host nations. ​ 

Contributions of the Nigerian Diaspora: One of the most notable contributions of the Nigerian diaspora is economic. Remittances sent back to Nigeria are a crucial source of income for many families and play a significant role in the national economy. In 2018, these remittances amounted to $25 billion, representing 6.1% of Nigeria's GDP. This financial inflow supports household consumption, education, new business ventures, and debt servicing, effectively driving economic growth and improving the general welfare of recipient households​

Beyond financial contributions, the diaspora also facilitates cultural exchange and knowledge transfer. Many Nigerian expatriates bring back valuable experiences and expertise when they return to Nigeria, contributing to the country's development. For example, Nigerian entrepreneurs and professionals have established successful businesses abroad, which not only bolster the local economies of their host countries but also strengthen diplomatic and political connections with Nigeria​ (YourCommonwealth)​.

Challenges Faced by the Nigerian Diaspora: Despite their significant contributions, the Nigerian diaspora faces several challenges that impact their ability to thrive both abroad and at home. Key issues include identity, integration, and discrimination in their host countries. These challenges can hinder their full potential and affect their contributions to both their host nations and Nigeria​ (YourCommonwealth)​.

Another critical challenge is the high cost of remittances. Sub-Saharan Africa remains one of the most expensive regions for sending money, with the cost of sending $200 averaging 9.4%. Although mobile money transfers have reduced these costs, they are still higher compared to other parts of the world. Addressing these financial barriers is crucial to maximizing the benefits of remittances.

Furthermore, the phenomenon of "brain drain" is a significant concern. The migration of skilled professionals from Nigeria to other countries can lead to a shortage of talent necessary for national development. While remittances provide immediate economic relief, the long-term impact of losing educated and skilled individuals can be detrimental to the country's growth and innovation​. To harness the full potential of the Nigerian diaspora, several measures can be taken:

Creating Accessible Investment Platforms: Developing platforms that provide credible investment opportunities can encourage the diaspora to invest in Nigeria. This can reduce information asymmetry and increase remittance flows towards productive investments.

Encouraging Pooled Investment Vehicles: Facilitating pooled investment options can lower the entry barriers for diaspora members who want to invest in Nigerian enterprises. This can promote larger and more impactful investments in the country's economy.

Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Providing avenues for diaspora members to invest in SMEs can create jobs and reduce the incentive for further emigration. This support can also foster innovation and entrepreneurship within Nigeria.

Reducing Remittance Costs: Continued efforts to lower the cost of remittances through technological advancements and regulatory reforms can ensure that more money reaches Nigerian households, boosting their economic stability.

By addressing these challenges and leveraging the strengths of the Nigerian diaspora, Nigeria can achieve shared prosperity and sustainable development. Recognizing and empowering this community is essential for the nation's growth and its integration into the global economy.

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