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A Big tuber of Yam is N5,000. Medium size, up to 100 pieces is N350 To N450k -Bitrus Dacha

opera.com 4 days ago

Mr. Bitrus Dacha, the chairman of Muundip Yam Zone in Gidan Dabat, Qua'an Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, highlighted the challenges leading to the high cost of yam.

He explained that the scarcity of yam is primarily due to the current season being the end of the yam availability period, with new yam not yet harvested.

This scarcity, combined with the harsh economic conditions, has driven up the prices of yam significantly.

Dacha revealed that a large tuber of yam is now being sold for N5,000, reflecting the high cost due to the scarcity.

Additionally, the price of smaller yam seeds for planting has also increased to N250 per seed. For those looking to purchase a medium-sized quantity of yam seeds, which amounts to around 100 pieces, the cost ranges from N350,000 to N400,000.

According to Vanguard, Dacha said, "Yam is very costly because yam availability is at its last lap now and the new ones are not yet out and coupled with the harsh economy.

"A big tuber of yam goes for N5,000. Meanwhile, the smaller yam seed for planting is now N250. If you need a medium size, up to 100 pieces, it is N350,000 naira to N400,000 naira.”

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