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Situation In Raila Kisumu Backyard as Gen Zs March To State Lodge Without Cops Firing Shots at Them

opera.com 4 days ago

Protesters in Kisumu marched to the State Lodge today without any violent confrontations or police intervention in a surprising display of peaceful demonstration.

This calm approach contrasts sharply with the scenes of unrest seen in other parts of Kenya amid ongoing anti-government protests.

The march began in the early morning hours, with a growing crowd of demonstrators assembling at various points in the city.

Their objective was clear: to make their voices heard at the State Lodge, a significant symbol of government authority in the region.

As the group moved towards the State Lodge, they were met by a substantial police presence.

Officers had set up barricades and were prepared for potential conflict, given the tense atmosphere surrounding the nationwide protests.

However, the protesters approached peacefully, chanting slogans and carrying signs expressing their demands.

Remarkably, the police did not engage the protesters with force. Instead, they maintained their positions, allowing the marchers to reach the State Lodge's perimeter.

The protesters then gathered outside, continuing their chants and speeches without any incidents of violence.

Mary Onyango, one of the protest organizers, expressed her satisfaction with the peaceful nature of the march.

“We wanted to show that we can protest without violence,” she said. “Our message is about justice and change, and we believe it’s stronger when delivered peacefully.”

The police officers, observing the calm demeanor of the protesters, chose to refrain from any aggressive tactics.

A spokesperson for the Kisumu police later commented on the event, saying, “Our goal is to maintain peace and protect the public.

We appreciate the peaceful conduct of the demonstrators today and hope this sets a precedent for future protests.”

After spending several hours outside the State Lodge, the protesters dispersed voluntarily. No shots were fired, and there were no reports of injuries or arrests, making it one of the few protests in recent weeks to conclude without conflict.

The peaceful march in Kisumu stands out amid a backdrop of escalating tensions and violent clashes in other parts of the country.

Nationwide, the protests have resulted in 39 deaths and 361 injuries, with numerous arrests and incidents of violence reported. The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) has documented several human rights violations amid the unrest.

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