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Wilson Sossion Highlights Gen Z's Role in Strengthening Democracy Amid Finance Bill Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

Nairobi, July 3, 2024 - Former Nominated MP Wilson Sossion has emphasized the importance of Generation Z in enhancing public participation and strengthening the sovereign power of the people.

As nationwide demonstrations by Gen Z continue over the Finance Bill and issues like corruption, Sossion expressed optimism about their impact on future legislation.

"The emergence of Gen Z strengthens the sovereign power of the people and public participation in public affairs," Sossion remarked. "The next Finance Bill will be well-thought-out, supported, and understood."


To address the concerns raised by the youth, Sossion suggests a comprehensive approach: increased transparency in the legislative process, open forums for public debate, and education campaigns to ensure citizens are well-informed about the bill's implications.

By fostering dialogue between the government and its people, he believes that a more collaborative and effective solution can be reached. 

Sossion's comments shows the transformative potential of an engaged and informed youth in shaping Kenya's democratic future.

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