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Senator Sani To FG: Reject Foreign Loans with 'Demonic' Conditions

opera.com 2 days ago

Senator Shehu Sani has made a strong call to African states, urging them to reject loans or grants that come with conditions undermining their cultural and religious values.

In a recent tweet, the Nigerian senator emphasized the need for Africa to safeguard its integrity against external influences that may impose "demonic conditions" conflicting with indigenous traditions and beliefs.

Sani's statement highlights a broader debate about the terms and conditions attached to international financial assistance.

Often, these conditions can be seen as a form of neo-colonialism, where lending institutions or donor countries impose policies that can disrupt local economies and social structures.

The senator's use of the term "demonic conditions" underscores his perception that these stipulations are not just economically detrimental but also morally and culturally invasive.

He specifically referenced the Samoa agreement, calling on all African nations, including Nigeria, to reconsider their commitments.

The Samoa agreement, a global framework aimed at supporting sustainable development in small island developing states, may contain clauses that some African leaders find problematic. Senator Sani’s suggestion to “unsign” indicates a push for greater sovereignty and self-determination in international agreements.

This stance reflects a growing sentiment among African leaders and intellectuals who argue for more equitable and respectful partnerships. They advocate for aid and loans that align with Africa's developmental goals without compromising its cultural and religious foundations. Sani's call to action is a reminder of the importance of maintaining cultural and religious integrity in the face of globalization and external pressures.

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