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Journalist who was shot at close range by the controversial Killer cop Threatened by his colleagues

opera.com 4 days ago

A Kenyan journalist who was directly shot by a police officer during the recent protests has revealed that he has been receiving threatening messages. The incident, which highlights the increasing risks faced by journalists covering the demonstrations, has sparked outrage and calls for greater protection of the press.

The journalist, who has requested to remain anonymous for safety reasons, was shot while covering the escalating protests in Kisii. The protests, part of a larger national movement against government reforms and economic conditions, have seen numerous clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement.

According to witnesses, the journalist was visibly identifiable as a member of the press when the incident occurred. Despite this, a police officer, now infamously referred to as the "Killer cop," fired directly at him, causing injuries that required medical attention.

Since the shooting, the journalist has been receiving ominous threats. One particularly chilling message read, "Ukijaribu kufanya mwenzetu atoke kazi, tutakutafuta," which translates to, "If you try to get our colleague fired, we will find you."The threats have drawn widespread condemnation from both the public and professional bodies. The Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) has expressed its deep concern over the safety of the journalist and the broader implications for press freedom in the country.

The government has yet to issue a comprehensive statement regarding the specific threats against the journalist. However, police officials have acknowledged the shooting incident and have promised an internal investigation into the actions of the officer involved.


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