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Goons and thugs are hired to disrupt the countrywide peaceful protest inspired by Gen Z- Kalonzo

opera.com 2 days ago

Speaking on his twitter account, Kalonzo Musyoka has instructed President William Ruto to stop the disgraceful practice of hiring goons and thugs to disrupt the countrywide peaceful protest inspired by the Gen Zs. Kalonzo has however advertised the president that the protest will seize when his regime to resign immediately.

The situation in Kenya, where hired goons are being used to disrupt protests primarily organized by Gen Z, reflects ongoing political and social tensions. These protests often focus on issues like unemployment, corruption, and economic challenges. The use of hired disruption is a tactic to intimidate and dissuade demonstrators, and it raises concerns about the right to peaceful protest and the rule of law.

When hired goons disrupt protests, significant destruction can occur. This can include:

1.Property Damage:

Shops, businesses, vehicles, and public infrastructure may be vandalized or destroyed.

2. Violence:

Clashes between goons, protesters, and sometimes the police can lead to injuries or even fatalities.

3. Economic Impact:

The destruction can lead to economic losses for individuals and businesses, worsening economic conditions.

4. Social Unrest:

The violence and chaos can increase tension within communities, leading to further division and unrest.

5. Disruption of Daily Life:

Essential services and daily activities can be severely disrupted, affecting the overall quality of life.

Such actions not only undermine the protesters' causes but also exacerbate the hardships faced by the broader community.

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