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I will make sure filming does not hold in any set that employs the services of Angel Unigwe- Anayo.

opera.com 2 days ago

Anayo Modestus Onyekwere, better known by his stage as Kanayo O Kanayo, is a veteran of the Nigerian film industry.

He has turned to social media to threaten to boycott any productions including Angel Unigwe. A few minutes ago, the film producer made the announcement on his official Instagram account.

He disclosed that Angel Unigwe's mother has been holding other producers to ransom, and he said that he has heard rumours about her character and that it has occurred to him as well.

Kanayo O Kanayo claims that Angel Unigwe's mum showed up to the set of his movie at 9 o'clock in the evening, lugging her daughter about with her, even though they had agreed that she would stay until the following day to help out. Following this, the businessman went on to say that; This should serve as a rallying cry for all producers.

In the sake of professionalism and all that unites us, I implore you: beginning this very day, June 21, 2024, I will personally visit any set that hires Angel Unigwe and ensure that filming does not take place there. You all understand the significance of a musician's workout on set. I can assure you that everything went smoothly; our collaboration with Angel was excellent.

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