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"I'm Not Yet Done With You" MP Didmus Barasa Tells Sen. Khalwale, Slams Him for Doing This, Details

opera.com 3 days ago

In a recent tweet directed at Kakamega Senator Bony Khalwale, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa expressed his ongoing grievances with a pointed message: "@DrBKhalwale, am not yet done with you boss, Rudi hapa." This statement set the tone for Barasa's critique of Khalwale's priorities and actions. Barasa contrasted his own focus on scouting for legitimate business opportunities with what he perceived as Khalwale's pursuit of acquiring multiple wives and concubines.

Furthermore, Barasa emphasized his dedication to community service, particularly in constructing homes for his constituents, which he views as a way to garner blessings from God. In stark contrast, he accused Khalwale of spending his time on pursuits like bullfighting, drawing a parallel to alleged misconduct by Khalwale's manager during travels.

The tweet reflects Barasa's discontent with Khalwale's lifestyle choices and public image, portraying himself as dedicated to productive endeavors while criticizing Khalwale's personal and leisure activities. The language used in the tweet underscores Barasa's direct and confrontational approach towards Khalwale, suggesting ongoing tensions or disagreements between the two political figures.

Overall, the tweet serves as a public declaration of Barasa's stance on ethical conduct and community service, juxtaposed against his perception of Khalwale's personal and professional pursuits. It highlights contrasting views on how public representatives should prioritize their responsibilities and personal lives, contributing to ongoing political discourse and public scrutiny within Kenyan politics.

SOURCE https://x.com/DidmusWaBarasa/status/1808549092353601637?t=Ue9xbUvpUfItmsUwrGtDIA&s=19

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