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"She was to receive millions" Reactions after first lady's office budget was reduced to nothing

opera.com 3 days ago

In a bold move to ensure the country lives within its means, President William Ruto has announced that the offices of the First Lady and Second Lady will no longer receive budget allocations starting July 1, 2024.

The President revealed these details while outlining a new wave of austerity measures that the government is set to implement. By cutting off funding to these two offices, Ruto hopes to achieve the goal of the country living within its financial constraints.

This decision is part of a broader effort by the Kenyan government to tighten its belt and manage its resources more efficiently. The President has recognized the need for the country to be fiscally responsible, especially in the face of economic challenges.

The move to eliminate budget allocations for the First Lady and Second Lady offices is a significant step in the government's commitment to reducing unnecessary expenditure and ensuring that public funds are directed towards more essential services and programs. This decision is likely to have a ripple effect across the government's operations and could set the stage for further austerity measures in the future. What are your thoughts on this? Give your views below.

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