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Prophet Joshua Iginla Reveals How You Should Reply When You Hear People Make Evil Remarks About You

opera.com 3 days ago

In a recent message shared on his official Facebook page, Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, offered his followers a spiritual strategy on how you should reply when you hear people make evil remarks about you.

Prophet Iginla emphasized the insignificance of human judgments when compared to divine validation.

“The marks of Christ are not validated by the remarks of men,” Iginla stated, highlighting the belief that divine endorsement overshadows any negative commentary from others.

He encouraged believers to focus on their divine calling and not to be disheartened by disparaging remarks.

Iginla provided a specific biblical response for such situations, quoting Galatians 6:17: "From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."

He urged his followers to use this scripture as a declaration of their divine protection and calling, asserting that no human criticism can diminish their God-given purpose and potential.

In a powerful conclusion to his message, Prophet Iginla prophesied the nullification of all evil remarks intended to hinder the greatness of his followers. "I prophesy, every evil remark against you to stop your greatness is erased. In Jesus name," he proclaimed, invoking the name of Jesus to reinforce his prophetic declaration.

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