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Bishop Oyedepo Warns Against Seeking Prayers From Prophets Who Lack Evidence Of Answered Prayers

opera.com 4 days ago

During the Prophetic Charge at the Liberation Hour Service, Bishop David Oyedepo, General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, delivered a warning against seeking prayers from prophets who lack evidence of answered prayers in their own lives. His message centered on the necessity of personal faith in realizing divine intervention.

"Religion has held the Church bound," Bishop Oyedepo declared. He criticized the mindset of relying solely on others for prayer, emphasizing that the efficacy of such prayers hinges on the recipient's faith. Citing Matthew 9:29, he explained, "The prayer we pray for you will only deliver in your life through your faith. I have prayed, but your faith is required to make it happen in your life."

Bishop Oyedepo highlighted a common frustration among believers who seek out multiple prayer houses. "They go from prayer house to prayer house receiving prayers from people who have never had answered prayers in their life for manipulations," he noted.

He criticized the misplaced trust in prophets who promise instant results without the necessity of faith, saying, "That prophet, when he prays ‘pam pam pam’, you will just receive like that. And you have been receiving like that without seeing me."

The crux of Bishop Oyedepo's message was the indispensable role of faith in receiving blessings from God. "Nobody can receive anything from God outside his faith. God cannot bypass your faith to reach you," he asserted.

He positioned his ministry as one that liberates through the Word of faith, stating, "I am sent to set free the oppressed through the ministry of the Word of faith. So only those who care about the Word of faith get liberated in this Commission."

Bishop Oyedepo then urged the congregation to focus on building their faith through the Word, rather than seeking shortcuts through ineffective prayers. His message reinforced the belief that true liberation and answered prayers come from a personal and active faith in God's promises.

Fast forward the VIDEO to 1 hour 5 minutes for the sermon

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